Manual for
XYZ CARGO CLEAN AIR.Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017
XYZ CARGO CLEAN AIR is a standard XYZ CARGO TRIKE equipped with an air filter in the front. As the bike moves, it simultaneously cleans the air.
By choosing this bike, persons not only reduce their own contribution to pollution—such as emissions from cars—but also play an active role in purifying the air by capturing harmful particles. In this way, persons produce clean air and share it with others.
When used for transporting children, a person can ensure that they breathe clean air. The XYZ CARGO CLEAN AIR was commissioned by Ecovention Europe for the Museum De Domijnen in the Netherlands:
Harmful particles, particularly from diesel cars, are a major cause of disease in our cities—not just lung diseases and allergies, but also heart disease and other serious conditions.
As an example, air pollution of this kind kills approximately 500 people in Copenhagen each year
The XYZ CARGO CLEAN AIR actively removes harmfull particles from the air. At a cycling speed of 25 km/h the system cleans 4.86 m3 of air per hour. A human being would inhale about 0,5 m3 per hourThe filter removes between 80 and 90 percent of 0,4 μm size particles from the air. The clean air is distributed in public space and hereby shared with other persons.
The XYZ CARGO CLEAN AIR is based on the XYZ CARGO cycles, developed by N55/ ion Sørvin and Till Wolfer. XYZ CARGO cycles uses a completely new modular way of building functional bicycles with a focus on local production in a socially just and environmentally sustainable way. Find out more at and
It is advantageous to clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner at regular intervals. filter replacement depends on how much the bike is used and the level of polluted air.
By N55/ ion Sørvin and Till Wolfer